Customization Themes


@status:warning UPDATED

To style your documentation project, NgDoc provides a theming system that allows you to create your own themes or use one of the themes that come out of the box.

By default, NgDoc has 2 themes, dark and light. You can override them or add your own.

We use CSS variables for theming, so you need to create a CSS file that will override the theme variables.

Overriding theme variables

You can override any CSS variable that is used in the NgDoc application. For example, below is a list of variables that are used in the light theme. they are used for backgrounds, borders etc.

:root {
  --ng-doc-base-0: var(--ng-doc-white);
  --ng-doc-base-1: #f6f6f6;
  --ng-doc-base-2: #ebebeb;
  --ng-doc-base-3: #dedede;
  --ng-doc-base-4: #d1d1d1;
  --ng-doc-base-5: #b8b8b8;
  --ng-doc-base-6: #ababab;
  --ng-doc-base-7: #9e9e9e;
  --ng-doc-base-8: #919191;
  --ng-doc-base-9: #858585;
  --ng-doc-base-10: #6e6e6e;

Dark mode

NgDoc has a dark mode theme that you can enable by importing the dark.css file from the @ng-doc/app package.

@import '@ng-doc/app/styles/themes/dark.css';

Auto theme

NgDoc can also switch themes automatically based on the user's OS settings. To enable it, you can call the set method of the NgDocThemeService service with the auto value.

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(protected readonly themeService: NgDocThemeService) {}

  setTheme(): void {

Theme by default

In order to set the default theme, you need to add the data-theme attribute to the html element in the index.html file.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" data-theme="dark">
  <head> </head>

Code highlighting theme

NgDoc uses the shiki library for code highlighting, it has a lot of ready-made themes, and if you want to use a different code theme for your NgDoc theme, then you can simply configure it.

First, you need to provide the themes in the ng-doc.config.ts file to make them available for the builder.

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  shiki: {
    themes: {
      dark: 'material-theme-darker',
      light: 'material-theme-lighter',

And as a last step, you need to import and configure them on the client side in the main.ts file.

import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { provideNgDocApp } from '@ng-doc/app';

import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
      shiki: {
        themes: [
        theme: {
          dark: 'material-theme-darker',
          light: 'material-theme-lighter',
}).catch((err: unknown) => console.error(err));

Custom theme

Let's say you decided to create your own theme and named it my-theme. You need to create a CSS file that will override the theme variables.

When you enable your theme, NgDoc will set data-theme="my-theme" on the html element. So you need to use this attribute in you theme too.

For example, look at the dark.scss file that is used for the dark theme.

// dark theme
@mixin theme {
  --ng-doc-base-rgb: 43 43 43;
  --ng-doc-base-0: #{darken(#2b2b2b, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-1: #{darken(#333333, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-2: #{darken(#3a3a3a, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-3: #{darken(#424242, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-4: #{darken(#4b4b4b, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-5: #{darken(#555555, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-6: #{darken(#5e5e5e, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-7: #{darken(#686868, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-8: #{darken(#727272, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-9: #{darken(#7d7d7d, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-base-10: #{darken(#888888, 5%)};
  --ng-doc-heading-color: #e3e3e3;
  --ng-doc-text: #a9a9a9;
  --ng-doc-text-muted: var(--ng-doc-base-10);
  --ng-doc-text-selection: rgba(110, 110, 110, 0.81);

  --ng-doc-shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
  --ng-doc-link-color: #30a5ff;
  --ng-doc-inline-code-background: #b9b9b9;

  --ng-doc-primary: #faab00;
  --ng-doc-info: #7095ff;

  --ng-doc-mark-background: rgba(48, 165, 255, 0.3);
  --ng-doc-search-result-color: #c6c6c6;

  --ng-doc-api-tag-background: #ff5959;
  --ng-doc-api-tag-color: var(--ng-doc-base-0);
  --ng-doc-guide-tag-background: #faab00;
  --ng-doc-guide-tag-color: var(--ng-doc-base-0);
  --ng-doc-navbar-border: 1px solid var(--ng-doc-base-4);

// shiki theme to match dark theme
@mixin shiki-theme {
  .shiki span {
    color: var(--shiki-dark) !important;

// enable dark theme when using auto theme and prefers-color-scheme is dark
:root[data-theme='auto'] {
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    @include theme();
    @include shiki-theme();

// apply dark theme when dark theme is selected
:root[data-theme='dark'] {
  @include theme();
  @include shiki-theme();