Getting Started Migrations


This page contains information about migrating from previous versions of NgDoc to the current version.

Migration to >= v18.0

NgDoc 18 contains several migrations that can help migrate your documentation to the new version. To perform the migration, execute the following command:

After migration you also need to update other @ng-doc/* packages to v17.0.0

Nx Nx
ng update @ng-doc/builder

The migration should:

  • move keyword from to your page's markdown file
  • remove # {{ NgDocPage.title }} from the markdown file since the title is now displayed by default.

Migration to >= v17.0

In v17.0.0, project was migrated to Angular v17, support of Webpack was removed, now it works only with Vite + Esbuild. To migrate automatically, you can run the following command:

After migration you also need to update other @ng-doc/* packages to v17.0.0

Nx Nx
ng update @ng-doc/builder

Manual migration steps:

  • replace @ng-doc/builder:browser builder for the build target with @ng-doc/builder:application builder
  • rename main property in angular.json to browser
  • covert polyfills property in angular.json to polyfills array
  • remove buildOptimizer and vendorChunk properties from angular.json
  • rename buildTarget properties in angular.json to buildTarget

Vite doesn't see changes in folders that start with a dot, so you need to rename .ng-doc folder:

  • rename assets .ng-doc/ng-doc/assets folder to ng-doc/ng-doc/assets in angular.json
  • change @ng-doc/generated path .ng-doc/ng-doc/index.ts in tsconfig.json to ng-doc/ng-doc/index.ts
  • replace .ng-doc folder name in .gitignore file with /ng-doc

Migration to >= v16.13

In v16.13.0 all NgModules were removed. Application configuration was changed. This was done to simplify API and add more flexibility to the application, now Application will use only components that YOU provided and nothing else which will reduce the size of the final bundle for applications that don't use all features of NgDoc or want to customize it.

Now you can replace page components such as breadcrumbs, page navigation at the bottom of the page, or table of contents with your own components, or even remove them completely.

NgDoc's schematics now also support standalone applications.

  • NgDocSidebarModule, NgDocNavbarModule were removed, now you need to import NgDocSidebarComponent, NgDocNavbarComponent.
  • NgDocModule, NgDocUiKitRootModule were removed, all configurations can be provided by using provideNgDocApp function.
  • NgDocGeneratedModule was removed, now you need to use provideNgDocContext function to provide context of the generated documentation.
  • provideMainPageProcessor and providePageSkeleton functions were added, now you must use them to provide default or your own page processors and page skeleton components.

Please see updated Installation - Manual [Configuring application] articles for more information how your application should be configured.

Migrating to >= v16.3

In v16.3.0, new standalone pages were introduced. Now you don't need ng-doc.dependencies.ts file or NgModule anymore, all dependencies can be imported directly in the file.

To migrate from previous versions, you need to run the following command:

ng g @ng-doc/builder:standalone-pages-migration

This command will remove ng-doc.dependencies.ts file and update all files by importing all dependencies directly.