Recipes Performance


This article describes how to improve the performance of the NgDoc application.


Cache is a feature that allows you to cache the documentation generated by the library. It does huge performance boost especially when you have a lot of documentation.

First time you run the application, it will generate all the documentation and cache it, so the next time, it will load the documentation from the cache and regenerate only the changed parts.

Enabling cache

Cache is disabled by default, but you can enable it by setting cache option to true in ng-doc.config.ts file. (see Configuration article to know how to create it)

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  cache: true,

export default config;

Cache location

Cache folder is located in node_modules/.cache/ng-doc directory, if something goes wrong, you can delete this folder and run the application again, it will regenerate the cache.