Writing content Keywords


Keywords Loaders

Keywords loaders it's a way to lazy-load your global keywords. It can be used to load keywords from external APIs or from the local file system.

Prebuilt loaders

NgDoc provides a simple intergration your documentation with external APIs. This is useful if you want to make your documentation more user-friendly by providing links to the API documentation of third-party libraries. The API integration is done by providing a special NgDocKeywordsLoader to the ng-doc.config.ts file.

To use loaders below you need to install them:

npm i @ng-doc/keywords-loaders --save-dev

Integrating with the Angular documentation

This loader integrates only API, it doesn't integrate the Angular guides, tutorials, etc. It also has some options for configuring, e.g. you can specify the version of the Angular documentation.

To integrate your documentation with the Angular documentation, you need to open your ng-doc.config.ts file, and import ngKeywordsLoader to the keywordsLoaders array:

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';
import { ngKeywordsLoader } from '@ng-doc/keywords-loaders';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  keywords: {
    loaders: [ngKeywordsLoader()],

export default config;

After that, when you run your app, all your usages of Angular keywords, in code blocks and inline code, will be converted to links to the Angular documentation.

Check this out: `Component` or `@Component` or `ChangeDetectorRef`.

Check this out: Component or @Component or ChangeDetectorRef.

Integrating with the RxJS documentation

To integrate your documentation with the RxJS documentation, you need to open your ng-doc.config.ts file, and import rxjsKeywordsLoader to the keywordsLoaders array:

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';
import { rxjsKeywordsLoader } from '@ng-doc/keywords-loaders';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  keywords: {
    loaders: [rxjsKeywordsLoader()],

export default config;

After that, when you run your app, all your usages of RxJS keywords, in code blocks and inline code, will be converted to links to the RxJS documentation.

Check this out: `Observable` or `map` or `switchMap`.

Check this out: Observable or map or switchMap.

Integration with third-party NgDoc documentations

To integrate your documentation with third-party NgDoc documentation, you need to open your ng-doc.config.ts file, and import ngDocKeywordsLoader to the keywordsLoaders array and provide the base config:

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';
import { ngDocKeywordsLoader } from '@ng-doc/keywords-loaders';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  keywords: {
    loaders: [
        endpoint: 'https://ng-doc.com',

export default config;

After that, NgDoc will try to load the keywords everytime when you start your app, and they should be available in your documentation. And yes, if the third-party documentation has changed its content and some keywords that you use are not available anymore, you will get a warning in the console.

You can also integrate guides of the third-party documentation, and provide a prefix if you want not to conflict with your own guides keywords:

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';
import { ngDocKeywordsLoader } from '@ng-doc/keywords-loaders';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  keywords: {
    loaders: [
        endpoint: 'https://ng-doc.com',
        loadGuides: true,
        guidesPrefix: 'ExtraDoc',

export default config;

After that, you should be able to use the keywords from the third-party NgDoc documentation, the anchors are also supported:

Check this link: `*ExtraDocGettingStartedInstallation`.
Or this one with anchor: `*ExtraDocGettingStartedInstallation#Manual`.

Creating a keywords loader

To create your own keywords loader, you need to create a function that returns a NgDocKeywordsLoader function. This function is responsible for loading the keywords.

import { NgDocKeywordsLoader } from '@ng-doc/core';

export function myKeywordsLoader(): NgDocKeywordsLoader {
  return async () => {
    return Promise.resolve({
      googleKeyword: {
        title: 'Google',
        url: 'https://google.com',

After that, you need to add the loader to the keywordsLoaders array in the ng-doc.config.ts file:

import { NgDocConfiguration } from '@ng-doc/builder';
import { myKeywordsLoader } from './my-keywords-loader';

const config: NgDocConfiguration = {
  keywords: {
    loaders: [myKeywordsLoader()],

And that's it! Now, when you run your app, all your usages of the googleKeyword keyword, will be converted to links to the Google website.

Check this out: `googleKeyword`.